FAQ & Answers

  • Aside from our nut-based products (i.e., Pistachio Ice Cream and certain croffles that contain nuts), our products do not contain nuts, but our facilities are NOT nut-free. Please check with our staff or the flavor cards in-store if you are unsure.

  • Aside from our Matcha Latte, Thai Tea, milkshakes, and chocolate milk drinks our products are dairy-free. We use milk powder for our other milk tea drinks.

  • *Double checking with our source

  • Ice cream flavors such as Cookies & Cream, Cookie Monster, and Croffles are NOT gluten-free, but our drinks and other ice cream products are!

  • Order it on the ice cream cakes page HERE. If you have customizations you can email us at smooveicecream@gmail.com OR hello@smooveicecream.com. Please remember that customizations require a minimum of SEVEN (7) DAYS ADVANCE order!

  • No returns or refunds.